The Monetary Mechanism “Green Trillion Fund” (GTF) Project is based on the idea of generating gigantic - even Trillion-Scale funds in a short term, for financing large-scale projects and initiatives.
GTF is the world's first project of its kind.
GTF could help with funding of EU Projects such as the Green Deal and the Recovery Plan Projects.
Not only unlimited, gigantic funds will be generated, but also a giant step for a clean & fully-decarbonized green future of the Union will be made.
Also, the GTF could be a tool of great assistance in providing sufficient funds for building a new System of Collective Security against various hybrid and physical attacks & threats from Russia and its allies, incl. mighty EU Defense Forces, plus purchasing weapons, munitions, etc. as a defense help for Ukraine.
The giant fund generation will be based on the revenues, expected to come from development of the advanced and extensive, but extremely simple SGB-BioTechnology - , developed by the Bulgarian Biomass & Biofuel Institute - , for superlow-cost production and worldwide export of 100% CO2-Neutral, Engineered, Indoor / On-Shelf Cultivated Biomass, made out only of water and air, as a perfect, direct, sterile-clean Coal & Gas Fuels’ Replacer in the Coal-Fired Power Plants and as a perfect raw material for numerous more kinds of BioFuels, Foods, Fodders, Ferts, Fibers, Pulps, Oils, Proteins, BioPolymers, CCUS-Structurals, Medications, etc.
Also, large incomes will be realised by developing the advanced Green Hydrogen and Hybrid-Hydrogen Technologies etc., developed by Grainis ltd. Hydrogen Bulgaria for the last 20 years of scientific R&D - .
GTF could be completed and start working in 2-3 years.
We believe the GTF Project will fight poverty and will boost the economy of the entire EU and especially of the poorer member states, generating numerous large-scale green businesses with gigantic Incomes and millions of new jobs.
After a limited initial external start-up funding, GTF will gradually become 100% Self-Funded, without involving any Tax-Payer or Bank Money.
Development & mass-application of the Project will be able to even remove all the Banking, Tax, Pension and Insurance Systems, replacing them with a Sole Integral GT-Guarantee Fund.
New Green Insurances could replace the existing mind-boggling Oil & Gas Insurances , as collateral against bank loans for large green projects .
Additional projects will be the GT-funded , etc.
GTF is also the base of the "Bulgaria's Development" ( "БГ-Развитие" -- ) Program .
Bulgarian Biomass & Biofuel Institute -
Grainis ltd. Hydrogen Bulgaria -
Bulgarian Institute for Strategic Projects -
5 Gen. Edward Totleben blvd.
1606 Sofia, Bulgaria
tel. +359 899 171570